Saturday, June 29, 2013

Oh, hey! Real boring writer-type gripes! Feel free to pass right by!

Here I am, a week after having posted the vacation report, which I thought was pretty hot stuff when I put the last period in place.

But with a week to ponder the work I've done, I must tearfully come to terms with the fact that it is, in fact, only first-draft quality, and not the finalized literary gem I thought it was. Some sections need expanding and/or clarification, which I didn't immediately recognize.

And there are some stories that hadn't been told -- such as Pryor's alien visitations, and my measured response to the "dark humor=KKK sympathizing" argument, and the events that transpired the first night I was in the hospital...

But I told someone I was going to post it that Saturday, and busted ass trying to make that deadline, only to miss it by a day. And so, in all probability, she took a horrified glance at the other posts I'd put up, containing what I call entertainment, and she fled, never to have read the hobbled masterpiece in which she played a part.

Ah, well. Such is life.

So, anyway, I don't know how I'm going to go about doing the revisions.  There's not enough missing material to justify forcing the reader to revisit a large amount of familiar text -- brilliant as it is. Maybe I'll post the revisions as stand-alone chapters, separate from the original text. I dunno. We'll see.

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I will mercilessly trash any comments I deem unworthy. So if you're going to be offensive, you damn sure better be funny.

I may feed the trolls if they make it worth my while to do so. Here's a hint: I don't like typos. Run with it!