Saturday, June 22, 2013

NSFW - Musically-deficient dark humor

With absolutely no apologies whatsoever to Wanda in 5 South.

Hannibal Buress, y'all. If you don't know about him, get on that. He not only wrote for 30 Rock, but also appeared on a few episodes. This routine is pretty good, but the rest of the show is tremendous.

My New Bedlam bro Will was talking about a Chappelle Show skit, but I thought he was talking about this.

Kyle Kinane's another name you should know. Here's his latest show in its entirety. It's about forty minutes long, but that's likely not the longest time you're going to be spending on this blog today. This takes a little while to really get going, but at least stay long enough for the pancakes.

It took me a while to really warm to Louis CK, but he's well worth checking into. I don't think he's the second coming of George Carlin, exactly, but he's damn close. This next clip comes from his Beacon Theater show.

Billy Bob Neck has some cogent points to make about Gomer Pyle, but for my money he's never been more on the nose than with this scathing critique on the very real dangers posed by FIFA.

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I will mercilessly trash any comments I deem unworthy. So if you're going to be offensive, you damn sure better be funny.

I may feed the trolls if they make it worth my while to do so. Here's a hint: I don't like typos. Run with it!