Saturday, January 5, 2013

And thus we come to the end of the Blogger line

No more artsy videos left on this blog. Anywhere. So why not create some art of your own? Here are links to some click-and-drag finger candy.

Dust - - Biolab - - Magic Effect

Keep in mind while you doodle on those windows that it's all infinitely less permanent than anything ever assembled by a three-year-old kid. Have fun!

Older music posts can be found at the abandoned Facebook page. I don't maintain or view it anymore, so your comments will go unanswered. Sorry about that, I guess.

And you can check this stuff out, if you so desire.

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I will mercilessly trash any comments I deem unworthy. So if you're going to be offensive, you damn sure better be funny.

I may feed the trolls if they make it worth my while to do so. Here's a hint: I don't like typos. Run with it!