Saturday, October 26, 2013

Big bucket of Halloween goodies

I didn't plan on offering much on this topic, but as it turns out, I have for you people 2.75 hours of Halloween music, two full-length movies and four trailers for movies that you might consider Netflixing.

Listeners of my old Idiot Savant Garde radio show might remember many of the Halloween tunes on this three-hour Mixcloud set, but there are a few new songs that I've added to the re-jiggered setlist.

I had a self-realization within the last year: I'm just not really into movies. But I did watch Commander USA pretty zealously back in the day, and I still remember some of those b-flick horror movies. Two of them are on YouTube in their entirety.

Of Unknown Origin - Watch Peter Weller get serious about rat-catching.

Spookies - If you wanna see a spider lady deflate an inflatable man, this is the flick for you.

I could only find trailers for the movies I liked best on Groovy Movies, The first two are silly, cornball classics.

Bloodbath At The House Of Death is a comedy film with horror elements, and it features a novel use for a can opener in a nunnery.

AKA Dracula's Dog. This one is pretty stupid.

Night of the Creeps is great, but I'm going to let the Commander cover this one.

These Nazi zombies freaked me out quite a bit.

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