Saturday, August 31, 2013

Skull Thunder graffix

Ah, the wonders of Photoshop. Here's a handful of unsolicited graphics work I've done.

The following works were done in a spirit of experimentation. This next one is based on  the Minimize filter. When I was nearly done with it, I realized that there was at least one method that could bypass the regions that developed into rectangular forms, but by then I was ready to be done with it.

It took a mad amount of tweaking minor details to get this next result.

And look! Video! It's a silent thirty second loop, so I suppose you could put on some music and trance out. There's an HD version, but the fine details are smeared into Technicolor mud. What can you do?

I adore this effect. Not an easy thing to accomplish.

Hey, more video! Like Heavy Metal Omelette, it's a silent thirty second loop, and available in a higher-definition version -- but unlike Omelette, the fine details are the point, and yet here they are, lightly stomped into artifact grunge. But, hell, it's free, so why complain?

Not bad for a month's worth of work

Here's a collection of artworks that I finished just a few days ago.

About a year ago, I had an idea for a computer-aided 3D modeling project, but I just couldn't get a program to cooperate, and I gave up.  But near the end of this past July, I decided to jump back into the project, and with a little Google Fu, I finally found a tutorial that explained how precision Dynamesh subtraction was supposed to work. Huzzah!

And with that knowledge at hand, I got it goin' on. Here's the result:

Pretty fine. And because I do so love my variations, there's this jade overdose...

...and a sloppy-paint version.

Now, obviously, I could go on at some length at how I accomplished all this... and I did!
